Emily got a letter from her bestie, Hallie, today. She opened the envelope all by herself. She LOVED the Hello Kitty animal stationery! I read her the letter and she looked at Hallie's "drawings". It was very cute. now we need to write her back!
Here's what her letter said:
"Dear Emily,
I miss you! I would like you to come to my house and play sometime. I am drawing you some pictures. What is your favorite color? My favorite color is undecided. I am sending you pictures of a bunny, a bear, a kitty with a red bow, a panda, a lion, and a kitty with a yellow bow. Which is your favorite? My favorite is the panda. Have you ever seen Kung Fu Panda? I like it. My dress today is brown with blue stockings. I just decided my favorite color is blue. I hope you are having a fun day!
Love lots,
Hallie Shaha"
SO cute! Emily remembers, and misses, her friend Hallie a lot. Anything we own that's purple (shirts, children's tylenol, sippy cups) she calls Hallie's because Hallie used to have a lot of purple things that she'd bring or wear at our house. And sometimes when we're at Target she asks if Hallie's coming, and she often wants to play at Hallie's house still and gets really sad when I say Hallie doesn't live here anymore! I hope we can visit soon!!
Hallie is the same way about target, and she asks to go play with Emily almost everyday still....We sure miss you guys!