So, I've been having a struggle lately with keeping the kitchen/living/dining room (and, let's face it, the whole house) clean, especially since Noah was born. I mean, I'll admit it: I'm lazy and lack motivation a lot of time, but there are other factors. This week I hit my limit - the house has been falling down around us since Christmas and I couldn't handle it anymore. All week I did what I could but felt like I'd take one step forward and then two steps back. Yesterday I started to make some progress, and today I got my kitchen totally scrubbed spotless. But then there was still the living room and dining areas (among other places, obviously. Oh, and laundry like you wouldn't believe). I mean, it's just too much sometimes. Yikes.
So aaaaanyway, this background story was all leading up to my pic.. Tonight Peter and I went out with some friends and my amazing friend Martha came to watch our kids. Emily loves her and so does Noah, and she's so great with them. So anyway, we went on our date and came home.. and my living room is now the cleanest it's been in days, and get this - she folded a TON of laundry. It looks amazing. I seriously got a little choked up. Martha is amazing. I love her. Best end-of-date gift EVER.

I LOVE Martha too! She is the best! She had better give herself a couple of check marks for that for sure!