Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19: Sibling Fun!

Noah is really going places these days. A week ago he was content to explore mainly just the living room and sometimes the kitchen, but lately he is all over the place! This afternoon he followed Emily into her room (she wasn't hard to find/hear - she found her "vacuum" - popper push toy thing - and was vacuuming the floor in her room). He enjoyed all the toys she had dumped on the floor and they hung out together for a while! Emily will even go up to Noah and try to get him to laugh - she gets the best laughs out of him! Adorable kiddos!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Emily and Hayden win for extracting giggles! I love it! I can never get them to laugh as well as they do! Cute pics. (and, FYI, I've been taking 'crooked pictures' but they just look crooked--not artistic. lol But just you two wait--I'm going to kick boo-tay when blossom season comes! Dad will take me every weekend until I master the blossom trail! hahaha
