I've been catching up on laundry this week. We were pretty behind. I mean really, really behind. From the move, then getting sick, we were subsisting on a load washed every once in a while so we'd have enough clean clothes to get by, but I've had enough and now we're just getting it done and catching up. I refuse to wash a load if there is a basket full of clean clothes to be folded and put away so we don't get backed up, and I think as of today I'm about two loads shy of getting everything "caught up" and hopefully will be able to stay on top of it one load a day or every other day from now on..
Moving on.. being so behind on laundry means that we have lots of socks to match. I always save them for last, and since I know more will come from the last couple of loads, I have this great big pile of socks to sort and match now. In the mean time, Noah likes to play with them and scatter them around the living room, and then at night and at nap time I shove them back into a little Pampers wipes box. I'm hoping tomorrow will be sock day? If I can get those two last loads done, that is. (Haha, "last." I wish!)