Tonight's Family Home Evening (which obviously took place right after bath time) was another short and sweet two-year-old attention span-long lesson. We talked VERY briefly about how we're all children of Heavenly Father, Emily colored a picture of a little girl and boy, and then we practiced singing "I Am a Child of God." I've been trying to teach it to her for the last few weeks. She's getting to the point where she can finish the ends of some of the lines by herself, which is the cutest thing! (First verse only, of course.) We sang it twice, once reeeeally slowly so she could repeat all the words, and then again slightly more quickly and she actually kept up with us for a little bit! I'm hoping if we practice enough, soon we'll be able to get some video of it! Cute!
Then, another favorite part of the night was finding this poster, which I really love! But.. I decided to make up something a little simpler and came up with the little subway art that Peter and Emily are holding. I'm thinking I'll eventually cut it out with different colored scrapbook paper and mod podge it onto a canvas for Emily's room. How adorable will that be??
Anyway. That is all. I love FHE with Emily.