Emily got in big trouble tonight. The kids were playing outside after dinner and everything was going fine - until Noah started to cry and I heard water splashing. Emily decided it might be fun to dump water on his head. He was so sad. Poor kid. She picks on him a LOT. She better watch out, though - he's going to be bigger than her some day!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Day 134: Big Bully
Emily got in big trouble tonight. The kids were playing outside after dinner and everything was going fine - until Noah started to cry and I heard water splashing. Emily decided it might be fun to dump water on his head. He was so sad. Poor kid. She picks on him a LOT. She better watch out, though - he's going to be bigger than her some day!
Day 133: Again.. nothing!
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I WILL take pictures every day! I mean, for my own goal and family journaling purposes! I've got to get better at bringing the camera with me wherever I go. Like today, I took the kids for a walk. We saw lots of cool things in our neighborhood. Why didn't I bring the camera? Laaaaame.
Day 132: Wet, filthy mess.
Emily loves to play in the dirt. And she loves to play in the water. The combination is an annoying mess. Haha. With the weather being so great lately she plays outside a ton now. We've gone from baths every 2-3 days to every day - and even sometimes twice a day if she gets too filthy before nap time! Oh, and the wet bangs? She really likes to dip her face into the pool and suck up water to spit out. LOL. Silly kid.
Days 129-131: Ugh. Nothing
Again, I've got nothing for these days. So annoying. I need to get back on track with my picture taking! At least this wasn't so long ago, and I remember what we did these days. On Friday Peter took me to lunch for an early Mother's Day treat. We dropped the kids off at a friend's house for an hour - AWESOME. Saturday I got a pedicure and a facial, while Peter began digging up the front yard. Sunday was Mother's Day and we hosted my parents and Peter's mom. It was really fun - maybe we'll do it that way every year - except next time I'll remember to take the camera out! :)
Day 128: Cinco de Mayo
We didn't do too much for Cinco, but we usually eat some Mexican food, so we made burritos for the grown-ups, cheese roll-ups for the kids. Then we had Mexican fruity ice cream popsicles. Emily and Noah loved their mango flavored ones. They're super good.
Day 126: Favorite "hideaway"
Noah loves to play underneath the (STILL) unfinished TV cabinet. Of course, Emily loves to copy baby Noah, so it's one of her favorite places to play too! Thankfully Noah finally figured out how to get back out - for a while he would sit at the edge and whine or shriek until someone helped him get down!
Day 125: Family Swim..?
Emily loved that Dad had a swim suit too and that he decided to get in the pool with her. Noah got in his gear too - funniest part being that he and Dad were wearing orange shorts and navy shirts! Noah hated the water - way too cold for him still!
Day 124: Hot air..?
Grandpa Frank's birthday is May 2nd, so Sunday afternoon (the 1st) we had dinner and cake in his honor. Emily loves birthdays - anyone's birthday - and loves to get in on the candle-blowing-out action!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Day 123: Beating the heat
I got Emily this ten dollar pool at Target and she was super excited about it. Five minutes later she was too cold to move an inch. Even though it was a hot day, the water came out of the hose pretty cold! It still isn't hot enough consecutively to heat the water up enough for her to like it.. but she still has fun playing with the water - from outside of the pool!
Day 122: Royal Wedding Mania!!
Confession: I stayed up all night long Thursday night so I could watch the royal wedding live. So did my mom and sister Melanie. We stayed in touch via text while watching. When Emily woke up I replayed parts of it so she could see the new princess. I told her it was a princess and she said, "Oooh! She soo pretty! I love her! I love the princess!!" Now she thinks anyone in a wedding dress is a princess. Haha. But she did recognize Princess Kate again later in the week - "Mama! The princess!!" SO cute.
Day 121: Gross
Noah followed Emily into the backyard again today, and like a good mom I stayed inside and ignored, I mean, enjoyed the time to get some things done. Don't worry, I looked outside from time to time to make sure they were getting along. Noah started to whine so I brought him back inside. Moments later he was coughing like he was gagging on something. When I went to him this is what I saw. Apparently he was trying to eat a dirt clod.. and he choked it back up, mud running out of his face. So gross!!
Day 120: Pizza Face
Noah had leftover pizza for lunch today. So did his hair, his face, his shirt, and the tray of his high chair. He was a complete mess.. but the flip side? Completely entertained baby for nearly 25 minutes. Totally worth it.
Day 119: Puppy Love
Noah loves Buddy. Whenever he goes outside he crawls right to Buddy. He stares at Buddy through the fence, reaches for his nose, and giggles when Buddy licks his hand. It's so cute. I loved how they were staring at each other on either side of the fence here. Haha. Reminds me of a similar post of Emily at 9 months old...
Day 118: Little Gardener
Emily loves to help in the garden. We are super spoiled, and Grandpa Welsh planted it for us. Here she's helping Daddy water the potatoes. We now have onions, peppers, and tomatoes growing too. I still want to add a few more things: green beans, watermelon, and maybe squash or pumpkins for fun. We shall see!
Day 117: Easter Best!
After 2 1/2 days (and late nights) of sewing, I made these cute Easter outfits for the kids! I give credit for the idea to my mom! I saw the fabric for Emily's dress at Joann's while I was looking for something to make a skirt for myself with.. she suggested I get it and make outfits for the whole fam.. it was too cute to pass up! I attempted a tie for Peter out of the solid yellow too, but because of the crappy interfacing that I had, it didn't work out.. He wore a gold tie instead. In other news - how amazing is it that both kids are looking at the camera AND smiling at the same time??
Day 116: Easter #1!
We had Easter dinner with Peter's family Saturday afternoon, and then Grandma Lesley set up a fun egg hunt in her garden for the kids! Noah crawled around and didn't touch any eggs, but enjoyed playing with his basket. Emily ran from egg to egg like a pro 'til her basket was full. She's getting good at this!
Day 115: Little sipper..
We went on a family dinner date to Red Robin.. Noah wasn't happy unless he was drinking out of somebody's soda or freckled lemonade. So funny.
Day 114: Nada
Man, this is getting lame. Imagine lots of sewing. Lots of yellow thread and fabric. I guess I really got out of the habit of taking pictures!
Day 113: Easter fun!
Emily and Noah really loved the Easter egg hunt our friends put together. Noah mainly liked eating the cookies. Emily loved finding the eggs and had finished most of her candy before we got home! They were so cute. We love the annual egg hunt!
ps: do you just love the look on their faces? "Uh, quit bugging us mom. We're trying to sugar-load."
Days 110-112: Absent and unaccounted for..
Oops again.. imagine me cutting out fabric for Easter outfits, shopping with my mom, and the kids doing crazy things.
Day 109: Stuck on you..
Emily LOVES stickers. She found the sticker page inside her Strawberry Shortcake coloring book and insisted on using up ALL the stickers. Then she proceeded to give each of the girls lots of kisses. So funny and cute. We now have a one to two sticker at a time policy. Haha.
Day 108: So Bummed
Noah loves to play outside just as much as Emily does. This day he watched from inside as Peter went out to see what Emily was doing. He got left behind and cried his eyes out! I tried to catch him mid-cry, but he grinned as soon as he saw the camera!
Days 105-107: ? Who knows..
No pictures for these days. There are some more empty spaces to come.. I think not having a working computer really keeps you from being motivated to take pictures..
Day 104: Why we LOVE SaveMart
We have a new routine when doing our grocery shopping: first, head for the shopping cart with a car on the front of it. Emily drives and beeps loudly almost the whole time we shop. Then, before we do ANYTHING else, we head to the bakery counter where each kid gets a free cookie! On this particular day, Noah was home with Peter, so we only got a cookie for Emily. It is AWESOME. Noah's cookie can last almost an entire shopping trip. Emily's goes fast, but the car keeps her completely entertained - and keeps her below normal eye level where they put all the balloons, toys, and candy she's usually whining for. We. Love. SaveMart.
Day 103: New pet?
I was walking into the house and kept hearing a meowing coming out of the bushes along the walkway.. so I looked to see who was making the sound and saw this little kitty hiding in the bushes. She's become a family friend - Emily LOVES her, and Peter feeds her. lol. It's a nice kitty, though. We like our new shared neighborhood cat!
Day 102: Late Night Chat
It's been a long time since I've posted.. our computer issues kept me from being able to properly edit photos. So.. I don't really remember the reason behind this pic, other than Emily was up very late one night and Pete went in to see why she was crying, so I snapped a pic.. Dang, wish I could remember!
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